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Kurma Sanskriti Institute of Pharmaceutical Science

Online Admission


Educational Qualification(if you do not enter Qualification then click skip button.)

Declaration of Candidate:

I hereby declare that all the information given by me in this application is true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also notes that if any of the above statements are found to be incorrect or false or any information or particulars have been suppressed or omitted there from, I am liable to be disqualified and my candidature is likely to be rejected without assigning any reason thereof and due legal action is to be initiated against me.. I have read and understood the contents of the admission announcement for the various programs. I hereby permit the institute to use, display or transfer any of the details furnished by me in this form for complying with the admission formalities.
I further declare that if I am admitted to the institution, I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the institute.


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